MARY!!!!!!!! THAT LIST!!!!!!!!!! Might you grant me permission to write about it? I love the US-specific names for some of the items! What's the ninth entry? Bobo meat? I can't read the (otherwise beautiful!) handwriting!

I love the sound of those supermarket hacks - you're a very wise shopper! 🌟

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Yes, yes, on all fronts, yes!! And I don't know what Bobo meat is - I looked it up on the store's website but nothing rings true. I'll keep hunting and let you know. :-). Can't wait to see what you right about it!!1

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Thank you SO MUCH, Mary! I'm going to have some fun with this! Preliminary online research has found this website for a food manufacturer in Singapore:


The fact that the list-writer has capitalised the second B - so BoBo, not Bobo - means, I think, that I'm on the right track, because that's how the word appears on the red logo of the packaging.

Could you please let me know the name of the supermarket in which you found the list? And then I'll be no more trouble, I promise! 🤣 It's in Texas, right?

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Hooray you found BoBo (searching for BoBo paid off) and the name of the supermarket is Central Market, this particular location (my favorite Austin supermarket, my husband took me there straightaway after I landed in Austin for the first time, it's been in my heart of hearts ever since), and here's their website https://www.centralmarket.com/locations/austin-westgate?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=cm_stores. You're NEVER trouble! Ask away!!! Can't wait to read what you write. :-)

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Mary, thank you so much for this information! I've tried the link, but access has been denied by the store's security service - presumably because I'm trying to access the site from overseas! I'll get Jim on the case. Still, it's not the end of the world - I'm enjoying myself with this project already - it'll be a couple of weeks at least, but I'm really looking forward to publishing the story of this list! I'm so grateful! 😊

Update: Turns out that Wikipedia has an excellent write-up of the supermarket - all is well!

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Hooray on all counts!

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