Yay for John and Helen - and for Mary and Jim!

I remember when a sandwich chain over here started a distribution programme for their leftover sandwiches at the end of every day for people who needed them, and it felt so new and so different at the time (twenty + years ago, when I was still living in London, and would often visit the branch of the sandwich chain closest to my office). It's brilliant that so many big stores are on board with this kind of socially responsible act, rather than chucking it all away like they used to - and even better that there are people out there like John and Helen who make the effort to collect the goods and transport them to food banks and community centres. Great work!

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Austin is like a well-oiled machine when it comes to food distribution. So many non-profits and for-profits are on it! The city council passed a law some years ago about food waste: restaurants and grocery stores have to compost what they don’t give away.

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That’s brilliant, Mary!

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Feed the hungry -- the Lord tell us to love mercy, do kindness, give help to the needy.

Thanks for your message of generosity and kindness at work.

Love you and Jim more, MUM

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