Wow. More brilliant arting! (Glad you got out of the pool. It’s going to take quite a few guinea pigs to churn up the water enough to mix the chemicals in properly!)

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Thanks, Beth, and I'm SO glad I got out of the pool! My throat's been scratchy (that rarely happens) and I'm connecting it to being in that water. Bleh! And you're right - it's going to take a lot to churn that water back to normal. It's been raining since this afternoon into the evening, so I hope that tomorrow's swim is back in clear water and no issues!

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Amazing drawing of midgy!

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Thanks, Terry! They're so tiny, I just had to draw it big. 😁

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Cute polar bear!

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PS I love how BrewTime©️ features at home, too! Wonderful!

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Ulp - I don't like the sound or the look of that pool water AT ALL, Mary! Your rendering of it wouldn't look out of place in a science textbook - it's fantastic!

And the midge! I hesitate to refer to a midge as 'adorable', but yup, it's adorable! 🥰

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