Oh wow, I loved firstly the menu at Chuys - yup, I downloaded the pdf and there's now drool ALL over my keyboard, so THANKS πŸ˜‰ - and reading about Terry's influence on your riding - that's absolutely brilliant!!!!! High fives to you both for that!!!

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Chuys is an Austin favorite! so you're welcome for the drool-inducing introduction. Indeed on TF's influence. What a difference for me! Freedom is grand.

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That's wonderful, Mary! Freedom from one's own constraints is a wondrous thing. πŸ™Œ

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That is such a cool final comment!! How wonderful! Mindset / attitude is SO important. I’m thrilled by the change.

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Thanks, Beth, and yesterday while riding home, I thought of how thrilling the change still is. Mindset makes all the difference!!

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Love it. Even the word β€œcadence” which is currently popular to describe writing frequency draws on word usage in cycling. How cool is that?

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So cool . .. 😊

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